Finding a new home for a vintage brass fire extinguisher isn’t a hard problem to solve. This one was never getting anywhere near the dump!
When ever I tell people that I run a junk removal question their immediate response is one of two options, “what’s the most interesting thing you’ve found?” or “what do you do with all the junk?”. Actually, the first thing people say is, “drunk removal?!” because my enunciation is terrible. But after I’ve clarified that I am in fact not removing drunks from anywhere, they ask one of those two questions. The second question is actually the easiest to answer and I’ve written up what I usually tell people here.
The first question, is actually the hardest to answer. What do I think is interesting? What do you think is interesting? We also haul a lot of stuff so how much time do you have to listen to my answer?
Running a junk removal company is a lot like running a treasure hunting company. Every day is unique and you never know what you’re going to be asked to haul away.
My personal favourite is finding old slide film!
Okay, so this wasn’t necessarily junk as our client was keeping this collection of Transformers toys but it was way too cool to not post a picture of.
Our favourite jobs are the ones where a family has lived in a home for decades and they’ve decided to downsize now that the kids have all moved out. Hearing our clients cry out, “I didn’t know we still had that!” as we peel back behind another wall of boxes is always funny—or seeing a client have to take a seat as we hand them a shoe-box of old family photos from years past as the memories come rushing back is super heart warming. It’s also why we are so keen to check with our clients if it is something we should be loading up into the truck!
Hazardous chemicals like this always make for some interesting problem solving. They don’t make them like they used to!
If you can fit in your house, we’ve hauled it out of the house. That will give you an idea of the variety of what we’ve come across.